Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

Yes, yes, yes! This morning I joined the rally in support of the truckers in our small rural village, nowhere near the route. It was wonderful. A great selection of people from every walk of life. The energy was so joyful.

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This is so wonderful to hear. It seems something similar was happening many places, all over Canada. People are awake!

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

I watched the videos on YouTube yesterday with tears streaming down my face. I thought Canada was done for because for the past 2 years they have been compliant sheep. I am so proud of them. They have set an example, now, today, of peaceful protest reminiscent of Gandhi and Martin Luther King. Australia are you watching? Austria are you watching? France are you watching? California are you watching? This is how free peoples stop tyranny.

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Let us hope that everyone is watching. And that none of us forget.

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You and me both, I have cried more in the last few weeks than in my entire life. And mostly tears of relief, accepting that we will have a better future. Canadians have been living in our heads captive to a fear campaign that weakened our resolve. Most sinister was this campaigns ability to leverage a naive trust and concern for our fellow citizens. The irony is we were convinced inaction was our action, lockdowns were our call to heroism. There is much to be said about this. But the antidote to this mind virus is hope. And it's spreading like wildfire.

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I am worried for Canadians. These emergency powers, which are nothing more than ham fisted totalitarianism, can destroy average Canadians by denying them access to their money. They can be denied the ability to purchase food, fuel, etc. It is evil on the grand scale. Horrifying.

Last night Tucker Carlson said Trudeau was elected with about 30% of the total vote. He heads a weak minority government. I don't have the numbers but I would put money on it that he was elected primarily by women. No self respecting man would vote for someone this effete.

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Don't worry too much about us, Naomi. As Heather and Bret reminded us, "It's better to live on your feet, than to die on your knees". Come what may, we will carry on. Here's last night declaration by the truckers: https://odysee.com/@JordanBPeterson:c/what-the-truckers-do-and-do-not-want:a

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

I grew up 10 miles from the Canadian border south of Montreal. My father was French Canadian and our town had it’s own “French” catholic church. I have been to Canada many times and I strongly identify with Canada. I cried watching the live coverage of the caravan on UTube and again while reading this wonderful letter . Thank God for these courageous truckers for taking a stand and thank you , Heather, for sharing this wonderful letter .

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Kathleen, that sounds just like the town I grew up in. We all cried that day, with each other and for each other. There were tears of grief and tears of joy but mostly tears of relief that we would live to see a Canada restored. Don't let your guard down for a moment or risk waking up one day, as we have, with police knocking at your door interrogating you for thinking as you do. And in retrospect it is so much easier to just say no. In all the small ways that sneak in your door. No to paying the bills for a cable news channel that hates the way you think, No to accepting a feckless politician who will flap with the wind and No to creeping safetyism that will paralyze your good men. I am grateful to the truckers and to the brave people who have stood up while we still could. In just two weeks we have turned this country around with love and hope and lending each other courage. We are all facing a version of this around the world. And when it seems unsurmountable that is only because we have allowed our fear to place us on the bottom. When we have hope we have already conquered it.

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What a beautiful essay. I worry that the future historians will fail to capture the influence that the Darkhorse Podcast has had on catalyzing the cultural resistance to Covid tyranny. Without you and Bret's continual beacon of sanity, clarity, and courage, I shudder to think where we would be right now. Make no mistake: the trucker convoy and everything it stands for was made possible by the Darkhorse Podcast.

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Wow Connor--thank you for this. I do not know that it is true, but I do know that we stand, among many, for truth and integrity and compassion, and against tyranny.

And Dan's letter is, indeed, extraordinary. It captures a slice, an intense few weeks segueing into many joyous hours, in which everything feels possible.

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Bret and Heather Darkhorse videos were among the essential core of about a dozen I followed over the last two years. Their calm tone was especially effective. Glad my favorites are all getting to know each other. The simulcast with Bret and Chris Martenson the other day was spectacular, and reflected on new friendships and how important that had been for them with all the social turbulence being a casualty of the pandemic.

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Through Darkhorse, American Thought Leaders (EpochTV), Jordan Peterson's long interviews, and Tucker Carlson's long interviews I have "met" interesting people and learned so much.

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There are many outlets, Darkhorse is one of them. Thank God the conservative and common sense side have created outlets for expression. Big Tech no longer has a monopoly on speech. It's getting better and stronger all the time. We have substack, locals, Rumble, Parler, GETTR and soon Trump's new channel. For TV news there is Fox, Newsmax and OAN. I have found the best coverage on the convoy is WION which is a Hindustani news outlet. Big Tech is losing its grip.

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I agree Connor it is hard to calculate this but the Darkhorse podcast has not only sewn ideas, it has honed critical thinking, and started conversations that have rippled far outside the internet. And yes there is a wave running through Canada right now.

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Dan and Heather - may the force of your collective efforts ring far and wide. We need more convoys in a physical and metaphysical sense everywhere. May your courage be contagious!

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Thank you your words of encouragement they are priceless and more than words. This last month has taught me to recognize the power of words and to never let an opportunity slide by to lift someone up with encouragement. It is the difference.

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Yes, the power of the word. It is more enduring than the sword.

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from Toronto:

Thank you, Dan, for speaking so eloquently on my behalf.

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That is very humbling Dr. Dauphinais. It has been a dark few months, perhaps the darkest in two years and yet today two weeks from that day the calvary rolled into town, I have never been more hopeful not in two years or six. We've got this.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

Thank you, Dan, for your moving and poetic tribute to the truckers. I'm there in spirit with those western Canadian cowboys crossing the Rubicon.

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Thank you Diana. And we feel your spirit, this thing is more a spiritual revolution than a political one and you know this when it rises from the ground up.

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O Canada!

…With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

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Wow wow wow

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying


Thank you for all your articles and podcasts

My sense making has been guided by the discussions you and Bret have been sharing the last two years

I support both of your platforms

I too was cheering on the Truck convoys from the freeway overpasses

Please continue your fearless efforts and thoughtful discussions

Together we shall emerge from this totalitarian darkness thrust upon us



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Looking back it was a blessing that Bret and Heather were forced to leave Evergreen. Had they not, the rest of us would never have met them and been enriched. Evergreen's loss is our gain. In place of teaching an handful of students every year they have the opportunity to teach and broaden the rest of the world.

The same could be said for Dr. Jordan Peterson. I discovered him through my son who alerted me to what the University of Toronto was trying to do to Dr. Peterson. I bought his book, The Twelve Rules, and watched dozens of hours of his videos. I still go back to his biblical series and watch his long interviews.

If he had caved to the speech requirements at the university the world would have been deprived of a powerful influence for good. It's been tough on him and his family but he has come through the crucible of fire a better voice and guide for the rest of us.

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Looking back it was a blessing that Bret and Heather were forced to leave Evergreen. Had they not, the rest of us would never have met them and been enriched. Evergreen's loss is our gain. <<< THIS!!! <3

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I have never been so proud to be Canadian.

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Jan 30, 2022·edited Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

OUTSTANDING!!! Got misty reading it all, especially the people coming together, guarding each other’s backs for freedom. 🇨🇦 O, Canada, a huge and hearty salute from Florida!

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Thank you Lawrence we feel you. Whenever you can send your love to the truckers online, to their home companies, in comments, they need our support more than ever, we are so close to winning this and your words of encouragement are like armour plates.

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Wow, that is powerful! It takes your breath away.

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Jan 30, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

Thank you Dan for the beautifully written letter! It is overflowing with resolve and joy and positivity, all

which is we need so badly right now. And--thank you Heather for sharing Dan and all the news on the Canadian truckers convoy.

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Your welcome Mimi, thank you for your words of encoursgement. It is so true the only thing stronger than fear is hope and it will win the day.

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Jan 31, 2022Liked by Heather Heying

“I still can't believe how close we were just last week to collapsing under the weight of our own despair.”

Perhaps the most important observation in this remarkable letter.

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So true. Just a few days before the convoy my brother and I had a secret dinner out for his birthday. He warned me off of social media because the gaslighting and censorship was so intense. I thought about it for a moment and said to him that I had never been more hopeful and no media merchant or politician was going to take that away. I knew it would never get any easier to speak the truth than in that moment and I was going to blast my voice as loud as I could until that was no longer my right. Three weeks later and I know that the decision to be free is freedom.

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Jordan Peterson, who is in Florida on his book tour, released a short youtube calling upon the conservative government ministers, by name, to SPEAK UP now. I hope, as H & B might say, "they grow a pair" and seize this moment. If they instead squander this opportunity it will be a colossal betrayal and incredibly disheartening.

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I saw that video. Now Pierre Poilière announced he is running for PM. It would be lovely to have someone wha actually cares for the people and not for corporations.

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