I love your thinking and writing! I hope the new University of Austin is a great success. Please keep us up to date on the progress and if the university is actually going to be in Austin, TX, I will sign up to help in any way I can.

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Beautifully written. Here's some professional insight from a 30+ year entrepreneurial autodidact ADHD labelled, a neurologically divergent "crazy" generalist that's grown up outside the very decaying system you are trapped within: I've been listening to you, brett and hundreds of other's screaming from the thickets for change, bringing alarm to the fire's afoot around the globe.

Simply said, none of you have evolved your crucial game of execution. I can help with that. My "crazy" mind, those of My Kind, have the catalytic type of thought processing that can architect impossible solutions which only come about in chaotic times. In the end, you are your own Gatekeeper, if you can get out of your own way, whole new worlds will appear and solutions to patterns thought unsolvable will emerge almost magically.

I'll leave you with this quote from Dr. Mani L Bhaumik: "In fact, he might have been no more than fifty yards away, hiding in plain sight, and herein lies a lesson not only in guerilla warfare but in physics and mysticism, as well. You cannot "locate" something that presents itself in a form you do not expect to see, even if it is right before your eyes".

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