I felt that "exploding heart" analogy ... my heart is breaking for those brave truckers & Canadians that stood up to tyranny..their livelihoods are now threatened, and very possibly taken...we didn't do enough in the united states to support them. Today as I heard the news I remembered the quote "the revolution won't be televised" and I imagined what will happen that we may never know about...and while Americans sit in their warm living rooms hoping things will change a very brave group of truckers are going to be cut off, could lose everything......so you should ALL show up in California on March 5 and 6th and finally DO SOMETHING. I was in dc on the 23rd and you must stand up

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Rebel News is the place to go to find out what is happening in Canada.

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Excellent metaphor!

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Thank you Heather for sharing Linda's commentary on our Canadian politicians metaphorical strangle hold ... so many are gasping the words "I can't breathe". Beautiful analogy Linda. So proud that you are an outspoken Canadian in such a time as these.

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Wonderful letter and analogy! The stress test was a long time coming. I am a dual citizenship Italian and Canadian. I left Canada 2 years ago for a trip to Kazakhstan to visit a loved one. Haven’t been able to return since. For the first 17 months because of imposed limits, then because I realized where we were going as a country. I have observed my two (now despotic tyrannical) countries from an external perspective and it has been eye opening to say the least. I understood from the beginning of this farce that it was all planned and well organized from forces way above each single state and I watched many people I love fall for the psy-op. I have been helping, from afar, on both sides of the Atlantic. My concern, is not only Trudeau, but also those who are beside him. C. Freeland (Deputy PM and Minister of Finance) as well as J. Singh (NDP Leader and in coalition with Trudeau’s Liberals) are both graduates of the Young Leaders group at the WEF. Doug Ford (Premier of Ontario, Canada’s largest province in population with 14 milion) had a personal wealth of 3 million in 2019, he now has 50….The system is rotten to the core and I watch with trepidation what is occurring, not only in my two countries, but the whole western world. Oddly enough, I have felt freer here in what many consider a “dictatorship” than everyone else in the West. Light and blessings to all!!!

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Great post Paola. 3$M TO $50M IN 3 YEARS?!?! Any elected position who see's gains like that should be audited / investigated. That seems very suspicious.

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Truck Fudeau!

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I am getting a slightly different impression. I see this as a stress test for sure, a stress test by the WEF globalists. Seeing how much they can get away with in a western country. Very similar to Australia/NZ. Ireland also, earlier in the scamdemic. While a convoy is a nice start, it's not near enough to stop these psychopaths. In my mind we will need full blown strikes and boycotts of everything you can imagine to stand a chance.

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I have so much respect for the Canadians who are struggling to "breathe." Moreover, they are trying to resuscitate their country. Think: CPR for the dominion.

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Dangerous times to be a Canadian. It may spark the greatest seperatist movement since mid-90s Quebec. But also a bad time to be Trudeau. The vitriol only works so well when dealing with reasonable men https://jestre.substack.com/p/reasonable-men?r=fr3u6

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The much needed oxygen to the brain point needs to be yelled from the mountain tops from all scientists. I have been convinced that mask are a tool to keep kids afraid (look at brave "kids" like Greta, they are dangerous), and to break their mental health. From that perspective it is a tool to also stunt their mental development, unforgivable. This has been nothing but a rollercoaster - two days ago I was on top seeing Viva's livestreams, and now I'm at the bottom again, listening to how they can now freeze bank accounts, stop mortgage payments, remove a person's livelihood for peaceful protest. And officially, we have no way to keep the government from accessing our bank accounts if we are on the wrong facebook group or made a donation (how convenient that givesendgo got hacked and everyones names leaked). Two weeks ago Bret answered my question about is our way of civil disobedience to walk away from our smart phones? It was recently revealed that the Canadian Government tracked our phones for months without our knowledge, and only was it removed by a slim margin by vote in the House of Commons. Today we know know how much we can lose through our daily use of digital dependencies. Bret said we are too dependent on our phones. But I still wonder if after all this if he still thinks that way. I for one have "dumbed" my phone down as much as possible - no apps can access my microphone, location services are off, no browser. Just for text and calls. My wife says "what do you have to hide?". That's not the point. We are in 1984 now and even writing posts like this I am seemingly risking my livelihood.

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You think you can control access and permissions, you cannot.

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Perhaps. Then life without a smart phone it is...

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I never got a smart phone, or even a cellphone for that matter. Years ago, I saw where this was heading.

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Wow, thanks for this amazing post❤️❤️❤️

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Right On!

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Oh my god that’s such a great letter

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As hopeful as I am to see this gaining attention, I'm not aware of even one politician or bureaucrat responsible for this coup over humanity and liberty lose their job. They appear to be gaining more power and control.

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They believe, not without reason, that they'll "shift" and "pivot" out of this mess and, with a bid of dog-wagging, all will be forgotten. We cannot allow it.

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The Tool...

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Beautiful piece with great metaphors. Thanks for sharing. <3

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Thank you for your analogy Dr. Blade.

Just like the duplicitous ken doll he is leave it to Trudeau to break the heart of society. The true working class has always worked throughout the pandemic, and there was never an issue. How is it that now, when things are getting better, and Omicron is far more mild and declining in cases across the world, should we now find it appropriate to enforce such drastic measures?

I think a lot of people who acted as counter protesters and are praising Trudeau for grabbing greater powers than he had before will learn to regret it. There's no way that such a move to grab emergency powers will not turn out bad for many of the citizens.

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The funniest thing about Trudeau's "counter protestors" is they have little Canadian flags in their online bios... they seemed to have forgotten that Trudeau does not want Canada, he considers Canada "the world's first post-national state". They are such hypocrites.

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Taking the analogy further…Canada like the rest of the west is not allowing logical early treatment so the “patient/country” doesn’t get critically sick, only severe and ineffective treatments will be allowed which will actually make the (in)patient/nation critically ill

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