I find myself near tears after reading this entry. I want to cry for these times in which cancelation and mobs are quickly becoming a norm. I want to cry because good people and good work are targets of spurious and weak-minded attacks. I find it indescribably disheartening that the world seems to be spinning ever more in this direction.

On the other hand, I find myself tearing up at a lyrical and spiritual written communication between two obviously intelligent and honest people. It's like a long draft of refreshing, cool water after a drought. It gives me hope on many fronts.

I never thought about beavers much, but a donation will be made. If for no other reason than to recognize integrity in a world which currently undervalues it.

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Beautifully expressed❤️

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I think of myself as a moral person, i.e. one who stands by his beliefs and his friends. But I am the first to admit how weak I am in the face of the mob. I have so little appetite for conflict that my first instinct is to remove myself from such situations. I am so impressed by the ones that refuse to back down. I am lucky that I am retired. I am truly not sure what I would have done to keep a job that I chaffed at but needed to pay my bills. In the face of such cowardice, can I really call myself a moral person?

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I sense you would take stand in the end Kelly.

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I felt so much emotion reading this piece. My first emotion was anger that then turned to tears and sadness. I used to believe that the nature of most people in general was good. After the last four years and after experiencing a sort of cancellation myself, I’m not so sure about the goodwill of people, rather there is an evil will that seems to permeate many. The cancellation I have experienced has liberated me honestly. So Jake, Heather, congratulations on your cancellations. Keep doing your great work.

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I can't remember where I first heard this analysis, but I find it both more realistic and more hopeful than the simple dichotomy: Are people, by nature, good or evil?

As a rule, the theory goes, in any situation you can assume that 15% of the people will be inclined to do the right thing, and are very difficult to corrupt. Likewise, 15% of the people will be inclined to do what is wrong, and are very difficult to reform. In between, however, are the 70% who will largely follow where the wind blows, and this is where conversion efforts are most effective. Unfortunately, Goliath (what a handy term for that-which-cannot-be-named!) is well ahead of the curve in using academia, the entertainment industry, and social media to influence the 70%. But nothing beats the personal connection, and small changes can have large effects.

We lock our doors not to keep out professional burglars, but to deter the casual opportunist from becoming a thief. When police corruption in a third-world community derailed an aid organization's efforts to improve people's lives, they found that if their first efforts went to making sure that local law enforcement workers were paid salaries sufficient to feed their families, the corruption problem largely disappeared. And when I thanked a music publisher for making it so easy to comply with their copyright rules, I was told, "You'd be surprised at how many people suddenly become honest when we make it easy for them."

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And by the way, I forgot to mention that I listened to Bret’s interview with Jake. After that interview, I had a new found appreciation for beavers. They are really cool animals.

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Wow. Just wow. What a weird, fragile ego-filled world. What a beautiful man and what a beautiful professor/student friendship. Donated and shared.

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I have to admit that it took me like half way through this interchange to figure out what the beaver man was 'cancelled' FOR. oh! he was cancelled because he was 'outed' as a student of Heather's, after she wrote a piece in support & appreciation for his work regarding beavers in North America. instead of the conservation group being grateful for the positive exposure, some dipshit wokey-joke broad decided to implode their efforts in a cancellation war. how sad, destructive and ridiculous. I do NOT understand the mentality of these people at all. so... nobody can be supportive of their work unless they align completely with even unrelated world views. just plain stupid. we can only hope that these idiots will eventually burn themselves into a big, blank hole of irrelevant nothingness. cuz that's where they belong. they aren't seeking to make the world better; they are only seeking to make themselves seem morally superior. people will stop falling for it eventually. (soon, I hope. its getting really passe)

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Such a good reminder that things are often not what they appear.

Rather than see himself as a victim, Jakob realizes he owns his power. Bravo!

Amazing how dastardly so many organizations are, hiding behind "good."

I'm grateful to learn truth here and in books and podcasts. I always appreciate your honest, clear, and poetic writing.

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You and Jakob are both very fine people. Thanks for all you do!!

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Somewhere it should be taught, like balancing a checkbook, and other "life skills" that one should probably understand the nature of their income. We know you and Bret have had some hard lessons with cancelable income streams. If your money comes from the mob, or sources subject to mob influence.. they giveith, and they can taketh away.

I'm a sales guy. If I don't produce, I'll be replaced.

I would like to have a beer next to a camp fire with your Beaver friend for a beaver talk. They live around me. The only way I know they're around is every one in a while you see one who didn't make it across the highway.


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Good advice to not give in to the mob. To all my long-time friendships dating to 3rd grade and even a sibling I grew up with; Hepworth is a witch. There are two exceptions and new friends are wonderful people. I am the same age as Heather/Bret. That means my “witch” status occurred when I was old enough to summon personal wisdom and experience as guides. I worry about the younger people who do not yet have the decades of experience and wisdom. I became a witch because I behaved “witch-like”. Whereas Jacob’s sin was not actual behavior, but association with others who are witches. Shameful.

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I never have and never will cave to the mob. I despise mobs and intimidation and I'm an annoying wrench in their gears. I can't donate right now but I promise a donation down the road. Two of my favorite things are ecosystem restoration and people with integrity. Jakob checks both. Thank you for sharing your friendship and his work.

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Hmmm......swimming sloths and cliff climbing walruses.

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