Always save something for yourself. You are the only one that you are truly responsible for. Doing too much for others can lead you to resent them for YOUR own failing.

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This especially applies to raising children.

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You’re a good writer😊

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What a beautiful story, thank you.

I have been carrying it around with me all week and wrestling with it and sharing it with others who also needed permission to leave a little something for themselves.

Life in the last couple of years has been increasing in complexity faster than our capacity to map it out.

Leaving a little something for yourself, I think, while not holding all the answers by itself, may very well unlock the space we need to map it out through ritual and symbolism and like this story, some subtle myth of who and how to value again.

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I love this Heather. I always wait until just the right time to read your posts. They most always touch me in a heart felt way.

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Look at those shapes and patterns! Wonderful! (and succulents are not even a favorite)

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When I contemplate young women wanting to be male, I feel bad for how mixed up and mistaken they are. However, this is one of the few instances where being a guy pays off. It is far less likely I'd have been invited into that discussion, and had I been, my standard answer of, "I'm a guy. My opinion is clearly not worth considering." would have got me rung up and out the door pronto...... YEA!!! ;)

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I believe self esteem is generated from within ourselves. I have to remind my self to do this in our consumption driven externalized social environment.

Off topic. Your a cyclist. Check this out:


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