The words I'm going to offer are not offered in judgment. We all are facing, or are going to face this same dilemma, in one form or another. Tyranny comes for us all.

I'm not sure going back to Canada is any option--I think, emphasis on think, vaccination is a requirement to get back in. Yet, if you can go back, then go there and continue to fight on politically, culturally and socially, if it resolves your son's dilemma. That may be the price of it.

The letter and the comments are filled with spiritual anguish, yet spiritual denial. I don't see any viable solution or respite without a spiritual component. We should all re-question our denial of spiritual life and our insistence on the material. That is an incomplete way of life. In fact the spiritual resolution of her torment, no matter what decision she ultimately makes, will be the difference between peace, health, and rest or unending fear and uncertainty.

So many have been the victims of the totalitarianism of Covid. So many have just accepted it. Yet, we're not victims until we stop fighting, until we stop resisting, until we stop pushing back every way we can. Please don't give in. Delay, move, fight, delay again, move again, fight like hell, do everything you can to not give in. Leave the schools, leave the banks, leave the doctors, do anything, don't submit.

Please don't say "That's easy for you to say" because it's not. The 20th century is the proof of that. Because until we all do that, we're just victims, and we're weaker every day. This is the dividing line between good and evil that Solzhenitsyn showed us. This is where all the fancy philosophy meets reality; where the rubber meets the road.

Still, we know, until you can resolve the spiritual anguish, any other decision is fleeting. There's no right or wrong to it--it's all just "will" or "won't." Her solution lies there, her rest is found there.

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Really lovely advice. Looks at the very big picture and reminds the parent to be a role model of courage and spirituality for their kids. I have appreciated seeing a number of scholars and medical professionals reflecting on the note of spirituality and thinking of the higher purpose in their lives to drive their choices.

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Good advice in general but doesn’t actually solve her problem. Seriously doubt that she has time to sort out all of her spiritual life before making these life changing decisions. And honestly (I know because I’m there), the idea that you need to be more spiritual in order to move on, may be beneficial in some ways but massively stressful and even can prevent one from making any decision at all because they “aren’t ready”. Yea it is important, but securing her family’s security is a bigger emergency. She needs real help now.

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But thinking about the spiritual side really can cut through all the decision and lead quickly to the right choice. It really could be the most efficient way to process the decision.

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Just what help? There's no help. You have a solution to her dilemma? Consolation, I guess, pretty, soothing words to make whatever decision she makes ok?

And, not to offend, But this: "Seriously doubt that she has time to sort out all of her spiritual life before making these life changing decisions" is nonsensical. Why would anyone make any decision until they have that figured out? If you're there personally, then please, figure it out before you go any further.

What do you mean by move on? Oh, I get it, you mean, just make a decision and then go on with the modern life, accept whatever happens, whatever comes next. Because, I think, it's coming.

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This is all the more troubling that this administration wants to jab everyone, whether it is appropriate or not but neither tests nor quarantines the people that come across the border illegally. The habits of a free people seem easily lost, traded for trinkets and delusions of safety.

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I wish I knew how to help but I don’t. I’m so many of these situation, including my own where I’m not able to work in my profession unless I move to a different state and have depleted my savings with no source of income or family to fill in cost of living gaps.

If it were me, I’d do everything in my power to keep the jabs from my kids at all costs. If that means living illegally in the US I’d do that. If it means homeschooling I’d do that. If it means living in the wilderness in a tent and being forced to learn survival skills I’d do that. I’d get them as far from society and needles as I could. Period. But that’s just my take. Stop taking orders and following rules that are unjust. You are free.

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I am with you. The encroachment will never stop.

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You have the right idea. You shouldn't be asking. You should be doing. Somewhere that nurse you mentioned exists. She exists because she keeps her existence quiet.

BTW, I did the J&J.

I got a monstrous blood clot (DVT) in my left leg for my efforts. and I caught covid anyway.

I PERSONALY know too many people with non trivial reactions to these shots- all flavors. What ever we think the data in the VAERS says, reality is worse.

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This well written letter sheds increasing light that we are presently living under a totalitarian regime . Could it be this mother move to a red state & wait out another presidential election, even though it may affect income? Would suggest to this parent keep researching. Maybe she can find a flaw to circumvent the compulsory vaccine. What a sad circumstance making a decision that may affect her son’s health & longevity.

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It is a different context for this decision to make compared to the times when my mother might have needed to make this choice in the 70's and early 80's. Today's culture has more threats coming from every angle at your children. If it were me I would hold those children close even as young adults and advise them to postpone doing some of the usual things like starting school or getting a different job until we resolve the onslaught. Hide them away from all of this to best of your ability. I know that has become really tough in Canada. I have heard recently of some clever escapes.

There are two recent essays that are relevant to this horrific choice.


The Utobian Substack post was on fire last night with some fascinating connections between vaccines gender confusion autism and the maladies of younger generations. It was a tour de force that turned on the light bulb in many minds that were already alert. I would like to hear Bret and Heather's thoughts on this:


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This is absolutely heartbreaking! I am sitting in Canada trying to imagine how we can get citizenship from decent of some other country. It is so incredibly mind blowing we are at this point. Such love to this mom.

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My immediate thought when I read this mom's letter was, well, whatever you do, don't move back! I read and watch a lot of "dissenting material" online. A plethora of comments appear in these spaces from citizens desperate to leave Trudeau's totalitarian state, formerly known as Canada. As of this month, the rule is vaxxing every 9 months INDEFINITELY (or at a minimum until 2025 which is the current coalition's commitment to the current govt.) Move back and everything this mom hopes for is destroyed -- unless the only sane province, Alberta, secedes. There are legal means to secede though, obviously, it has never been accomplished, despite Quebec's occasional attempts.

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A lot of Canucks came to Florida for the winter and never left.

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I’m so sorry, this is a horrible situation. I opted for the J&J because I needed to keep my job. I live in NY where we have an MD who is holistically trained and knew how to eradicate the body of all the side effects, so that was my safety net . Maybe there is a person of that nature close to you? Best of luck , I am sending prayers to you and your family .

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In another comment I mentioned that my own "first reaction" to Quinn's letter is "don't move back!" I might amend that to say, find out how things are going for Canadians who live in Alberta. I have some reason to believe, from friends, that things are less draconian there.

Also, Quinn, you did not mention having an immigration lawyer. You need one. Maybe a lawyer could straighten out the "costly mistake" that person made in your application. If that fails, possibly explore asylum status as a conscientious objector to (...whatever works!)

I would encourage you, Quinn, to focus on the task at hand, because free-floating anxiety about everything related to covid is rather counterproductive. The fact that others may be in more "dire straits" in this world is completely irrelevant. (Your trials and suffering are yours and they are valid, it is not some sort of cosmic competition, spiritually speaking.)

Now along those same lines, if you want to pull God in on this situation you need to be clearer on "the rules of game," so to speak. Although God does answer prayer, He's not our valet or personal genie. More often than not, His ways will turn out to be unexpected and surprising. A lot of people feel "failed by God" because he didn't do their bidding. But when you think about it, you really don't want a God you can order around. Rather you might prefer one who is very creative, powerful and knows your situation more accurately than you do. (Speaking from decades of experience here, I know I do.) I sincerely hope you get a good resolution to your situation at least one that spares you from medical mandates.

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Hi Heather

This was supposed to be your "non political" substack. You - you - have terrified this woman out of all proportion to the probable risk. You have made her unable to function as a parent and mother. Reflect on what you and Bret are doing. Eric got out because he was smart enough to see the logic of monetisation leads to polarising and terrifying your audience, pressing buttons in their reptile brains until they freak out. I have supported you and Bret, financially and morally, but this has got to stop. You are both as smart as Eric. Get the hell out of there, get to safety. Don't stay in for some sunk cost fallacy or worse some saviour complex. You are becoming cult leaders, exploiting the vulnerable. Please just escape from this situation you have created. Really, really consider, analyse, whether you are doing more harm than good. Please.

I am unsubscribing and I am out of here.

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Genuine questions: what makes you view this post as political, and what makes you certain that this woman’s terror is out of all proportion to probable risk?

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If you think that it is appropriate to inject a 10yo boy with a substance KNOWN to cause heart problems in young men for a disease he has literally ZERO Chance of catching or having a problem from, you will not be missed.

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Oh my. I just read Dana’s comment and mine was going to be along those same lines. It not about sorting anything out anymore really, it is more about dealing with what is thrown at you and using prayer and belief that God or a higher power in the universe will take care of you, maybe not like you want or think you should be in this flashing moment of our lifetime but in another dimension, an eternal life! Honestly, I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth. Until I was given a copy of the ‘New Believer’s Bible, the New Testament’ and started reading it, it was impossible for me to deal with what is going on in the country/ world regarding COVID, censorship, medical tyranny, personal freedom, gender identity, and personal and family hardships. I watched my elderly parents suffer immensely from the COVID mitigation measures, my husband and I have been ostracized by friends and family because we chose not to get vaccinated and my beautiful 22 yr old daughter had to get jabbed to work and attend university. She is now required to get boosted fall semester after having COVID, getting jabbed and getting reinfected. I had to resort to chicanery to get into the hospital to see my dying mother because I wasn’t vaccinated. I could test every 3 days at $150 a pop (rapid tests were not allowed). I have used common sense, reason, science, patience, signed petitions, wrote letters to legislators, and attended rallies. Following like minded people/scientist

has brought some comfort and affirmation that I am not alone and crazy, but none of these were enough to take away the loneliness, hopelessness, anger, frustration and despair I have felt! The difficulties I have experienced these past couple of years, including the loss of my dear mother have only been abated through a belief not in people anymore but in prayer and in an all knowing and loving God.

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I became a paid subscriber so that I could comment. My heart absolutely aches for this mother. Perhaps I'm commenting too late, perhaps she will not see my comment, or perhaps my recommendations are not viable. I can only offer the ideas I would pursue if I were in this situation.

I echo the sentiment of hiring an immigration attorney. Or a medical attorney specializing in this variety of legal matters in regards to required jabs for children. Aside from that, I know this nurse exists. You just need to find her by word-of-mouth. Find a network of alternative medicine minded moms that meet regularly in person. I'm a part of a homeschool community, and I can attest that they exist in abundance within this population. Ask by word-of-mouth rather than on an internet forum. You mentioned you were not a person of religious faith, but you likely would find a network of moms that could possibly help with a connection within a non-trendy suburban or rural non-denominational Christian church (perhaps other branches as well, but it's what I'm familiar with.) If it were me, I would find one to visit and ask around for the groups of moms that meet that are interested in homeschooling or in naturopathic medical routes. Perhaps you could find a naturopathic or even homeopathic practitioner and pay for a visit in which you ask for any leads they could pass on. Like I said, I'm confident this nurse exists.

I realize my geographic bias shines strong though my very first comment within this community, but I couldn't help but share the way I would go about tackling this problem on the small chance that it could help. Perhaps my ideas lead to dead ends, but it is at least something to pursue that would lead you to this nurse if you were an area similar to what I'm familiar with.

Thanks for the post, Heather.

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This is harrowing and disgusting. I don't have children of my own so I am not in the same boat as many others out there (I just lost my job for not getting the jab, but I have my health I suppose).

It's all disgusting because these are mandates that prey on the innate proclivities of parents to want to protect their children and do what's best for them. If you love your children, you'd get them vaccinated. If not, we'll put you in such a situation where we will have to force your hand, and we know which direction you are going to lean if we use your children as paws.

Part of me feels like the worst part isn't that this is happening, but that those in power know full-well how to leverage our own loved ones against us to do the government's bidding.

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I do not believe children should be given covid shots, nor do I believe that vaccines should be mandated. I feel awful for this poor woman and I will pray for her family.

I almost dread saying what I am about to say next because I know I will be piled on. But I feel I have to. This poor mother has no reason to compare her suffering to anyone else's. My heart breaks for her that in the midst of grief and stress and terror, that she feels compelled to compare tragedies and find hers wanting. However, I noticed in the groups of people to whom she states her suffering must pale in comparison to (which it absolutely does and should not, her grief and pain are utterly and truly horrific here) she does not mention families who lost a child to covid, families whose primary caregivers cannot work due to long covid (which is real, my sister has it after getting the OG strain in spring 2020), families who have lost their primary caregivers who have killed themselves due to trauma from watching people they loved die from covid. Covid is real. It kills people. I have Lupus SLE and autoimmune emphysema. My sister almost died from a "mild "case. Her heart stopped a month after after case. Then, on July 23rd, 2020, they found a blood clot in her brain. From covid. We are twins and this happened on our birthday.

I hesitated to get the shots. I got them because my rheumatologist told me point blank I would probably die from covid if I got it. I believe the initial shots worked as I had to go to a packed detox facility during the height of the delta wave and did not get covid. (please do not bully me for needing detox. I caregave for my dying mother and my dad with cancer while atms exploded around my neighborhood and I got calls from the hospitals my aunt, uncle, and sister were at as they fought covid. My uncle died on a ventilator as the George Floyd riots burned my working class neighborhood and destroyed our pharmacies. Soon after, developers moved in. I began abusing my xanax prescription and tried to get off. This is why I went to detox. )

I got omicron in January and it messed my heart up. I, in fact, had the same symptoms my sister had during her infection, just lesser. Vascular rash, extreme brain fog, very VERY high heart rate (160 at rest) I got a fever and she did not. I also had phantom smells of smoke and maple syrup (same as my sister!) And lost my taste for three weeks. After covid (not the vaccine, but covid) I have 3 leaky heart valves. I was boosted in December.

I cry daily as I am terrified the shots will kill me and everyone I love. I know all about prions and have considered suicide over this possibility.

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Whether we agree with your belief in vaccines or not, it seems far more people realize this is a bad idea for healthy young people who still have their lives ahead of them and want the option to procreate with their own healthy children. The fertility and stillbirth data are coming in now and are shocking.

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The comment box cut me off.

I know the shots are bad but I also think they might work a little bit? I am terrified of BA.5. Please understand: my mother just died in March from a long illness (Lupus, which I also have. ) My dad has cancer. I work under the table bc of my disability. I ride 3 buses a day for work sometimes more (I clean houses for people who have pets in different neighborhoods. ) My sister is disabled from covid. I have lost friends who claim covid didn't do what I said to my sister, that the vaccine did, but how can that be when she got sick in 2020? My very best friend and band mate told me that covid didn't make my 02 drop , the mask did, but it didn't drop until I was at home and maskless with a fever? A girlfriend I've had since 2004 who knows what happened to my sister laughed at me and said covid was just the flu. But how can that be when influenza is an orthomyxovirus and n-sars-cov2 is a chimeric betacoronavirus with a retroviral spike? The same band mate I mentioned earlier said viruses don't exist and my Lupus was caused by vaccines which isn't true bc all the women in my family had it? He also said my emphysema was caused by mask wearing but it started showing up in scans in 2020 before covid?

I have lost everything, everything . Covid will kill me if I get it again. I've lost my band and my best friends. I know the prion disease will kill me and everyone I love from the shots. Just remember covid traumatized and killed and hurt people just like the shots do, ok?

Please pray for me and that I get to see the only person who stuck by me through caregiving.. he is traveling now and I cry every night worried he will die in the UK from the heat and vaccine damage and whatever damage the recent covid case he had did. I will pray for this mother and her children. Please pray for me and try to hear what I say with an open mind. People in my neighborhood have came up to me and been very aggressive with me about me wearing a mask. I don't do that to people not wearing them. I feel so hopeless and alone.

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I am so sorry all of this happened to you. That is horrible. I do not think it is right at all for people to harass you for wearing a mask or making the decisions you make. None of them are living your life, and you have the right to make choices for yourself and your family. I am so sorry about your mom and uncle that died and your dad having cancer. I do not judge you for one second needing to go to detox. It takes a lot of guts and determination to get off xanax. You got through.

I most definitely do think Covid is real and can be very dangerous and that we also don't know the long term effects of getting Covid. I had Covid in 2020, and I am fairly sure the kids both got it from me, even though they tested negative. It didn't affect me very much, although I still have affected smell (I can smell some stuff, but not others)(I also smelled smoke in the beginning).

This will sound trite, but I don't mean it that way. We are so connected between body and mind. Please don't consider suicide for something that's a small percentage of cases. I know it is terrifying, because it's something I am also terrified off. But % wise given the amount of doses given, that's not a lot. Do what you can to get yourself as healthy as possible. Lupus is a horrible disease. I hope that you will find some peace in all this ugliness.

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Thank you for all the comments. I appreciate it.

As would-be immigrants, we do not have the same rights and privileges as US citizens. You accept what the CDC says or you don't immigrate. We do have a lawyer, it's impossible to do the process without one. While there is a blanket moral or religious exemption option, you have to prove that you are opposed to ALL vaccines, not just this one. My son is vaccinated against everything else that's on the list, so that's an almost impossible bar to cross. Plus, it is completely subjective to the immigration agent whose desk you land on. And in the case of a religious exemption you most definitely do have to prove what faith it is, and which church and supply proof. It's not the same as some of the State religious exemptions.

Medical exemption is an option, but again, the medical issue has be what the CDC allows, which is pretty narrow. And again, there's no guarantee that it will be accepted. Immigration is on a completely Federal level. We live in a red state currently, and have zero fear here that anyone will force us to get vaccinated. This is part of what makes the calculation so hard. Once we can get past the Federal level, we will be able to continue with our lives as before.

We do not have a lot of time to make a decision. A few months. But there's all sorts of other timelines. Once October hits you also have to have a flu shot to pass the medical. Which isn't the end of the world by itself, but I will most definitely not want to add a flu shot on top of the Covid shot. Plus, I worry at which stage a booster is going to be required to be considered fully vaccinated. Remember again, this is not what is enforced in the rest of the US. It is whatever the CDC feels like.

I do indeed worry that we comply and a few months from now, maybe after the November election, the requirement change. But I am not able to wait that long. If we don't submit a new medical, his application will be rejected. I don't see any sign of the CDC backing down anytime soon. Maybe by next summer things will change, but I think winter will be worse.

We haven't given up by any means, but we are quickly running out of time and options.

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I'm so sorry for what you're going through. Thank you for being willing to share your pain and vulnerability. I've been agitated as well on a similar level so your words really resonated with me. My only recommendation given that you are in a red state and have an immigration attorney would be to reach out to your US House of Representatives and Congressional offices for help. Then state Reps/Congress. It may be a dead end, but just maybe it could help.

* sorry if someone has already suggested such; I haven't read all of the comments yet.

Bless you and your family. I'm sure when you are ready there will be a church family ready to welcome you.

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Heart rending reading.

Good Luck to this mother.


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