Truckers from all over Canada have begun arriving in Ottawa. They are there to protest vaccine mandates and other restrictions that have been implemented in the name of Covid. Even some American truckers have joined the convoy. Of course, Americans can cross the border into Canada (and Canadians into the U.S.) only if they have proof of vaccination, which is precisely one of the restrictions that is being protested.
Most Canadian and American truckers are, we are told, vaccinated. Demonstrably, then, this is not an anti-vaccine movement.
It is an anti-mandate movement.
It goes by several names and hashtags, two of them being
#TruckersForFreedom2022 -and-
Some Visuals
Just a few videos of what it looks like thus far, easily found on twitter:
From @UnityNewsNet: snowy convoy of trucks
From @BernieSpofforth: farmers come out in support
From @EzraKahan, a Brunswick store owner cutting up a mask and welcoming everyone in to his store:
From @Based_UK, a video of a big rally adjacent to the convoy, and how the CBC is reporting on it:
From @LFCNewsMedia (and findable from various sources on twitter), a rocking mash-up that includes pointed criticism of Prime Minister Trudeau:
On the wisdom and courage of the duplicitous Ken doll
At least we can be grateful that the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is on the side of democracy and freedom for all. Just take a look at how much he respected truckers, back in March of 2020:

Or perhaps that was political theatre.
The whole damned thing is theatre.
The man is a coward, and that’s being kind. In fact, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau—whom my dear husband dubbed the “duplicitous Ken doll” on our DarkHorse livestream #113 on January 28, 2022—is somehow managing to make a mockery even of pandemic theatre. The dude is impressive, to be sure.
Seeing that the truckers were coming this week, he decided to hide. Of course he did. Here is his justification for doing so:

It has been pointed out to me since I mentioned this on DarkHorse that the Ottawa Public Health rules which the duplicitous Ken doll references in his tweet actually state that he does not need to self-isolate:
I think we can safely assume that the leader of Canada, who is forcing his obscene and absurd will on the people of Canada, is himself fully vaccinated. So working from home for what are likely to be the five most intense days of the convoy? Hiding. He’s just hiding. That’s all there is to it.
The Trucker Convoy is all over social media, as the links above can testify (and they are a tiny fraction of what is available).
How’s the coverage by the MSM?
Not so good.
On both Thursday (January 27) and Friday (January 28), I did some perfunctory searches on the websites of the New York Times and the Washington Post. I searched “truckers” and “trucker convoy” and more—search terms that immediately provide a nearly endless stream of videos, pictures, and links on twitter.
At the New York Times, here’s what “trucker” pulls up, still, as of midday on the West coast, Friday, January 28:
If I try “trucker convoy,” I get this:
Vietnam, Afghanistan, and tigers. Right.
And yet, a few hours after I pointed this out on DarkHorse livestream #113, the New York Times did post this story.
It’s weak and whiny and all, but at least the New York Times has deigned to mention the massive movement happening in Canada. Odd how it still doesn’t show up when you search on the relevant terms on their site, however.
Similar shenanigans at the Washington Post:
“Truckers” search:
And lest you question my choice of “sort by relevancy” as opposed to “sort by date” (these are the only two options), not only does switching to “sort by date” fail to reveal any articles about the Canadian truckers convoy, but toggle back and forth within the same search between the two options and find wildly different results (see below, for “trucker convoy”: 274 vs 2). Clearly the search function is not as straightforward as it would appear to be:
The Washington Post has also since posted a story on the truckers convoy, which also cannot be found via search as of midday Friday, January 28. Funny, that.
All of which is a long-winded way of pointing out what should be utterly obvious by now:
People are neither as stupid nor as asleep as we have been told. At least, there are a large proportion of people who are neither. Are we all seeing things clearly? Of course not. Presumably, every single one of us is confused on some counts. The landscape is vast, and changing rapidly. But many of us are awake, and thinking.
People are rising up to protest nearly two years of increasingly authoritarian measures. And these measures are being invoked to protect us from an increasingly low-grade threat. In sum: as the risk from the virus declines, the loss of our freedoms marches on, unabated.
And the biggest names in American print journalism are utterly failing. They’re not alone. The biggest names in scientific funding and policy agencies, scientific journals, and research universities are also failing. As, of course, are the biggest names in tech. That should give the MSM no comfort. Failing in elite company is still failing.
There is much more that is not as obvious, but is certainly true. And here is something that Bret and I have been saying, to one another and on DarkHorse, for many months now:
Governments want to enforce vaccine mandates?
Not for this pathogen.
Not with these treatments.
Not at the behest of these governments.
Support the Truckers
If you want to support the truckers, and help defray the costs they are enduring to take a stand and help all of us retain our freedoms, here is the GoFundMe where you can do just that.
I am a Canadian, small farmer and I have been actively involved with supporting this convoy for the last week or so. Earlier in the week a large group of mamas and their children and I got together to make homemade, healthy, bagged lunches for the truckers. The kids made hand written cards to put inside all of the 150 bags. When we delivered the bags, my husband and I also folded a letter, directly from us, and placed it inside those bags.
It's the contents of that letter that I would love to share with you, Heather. That letter that speaks to the very real cost of these draconian mandates. The cost, for us, was many (job in medicine for one/expulsion from college for one daughter), but all of that is meaningless because the real cost for us, and this world, was the loss of our youngest daughter's life. She was brilliant, she was sunshine, she was a ferocious defenseman on the boy's hockey team she played on since she was three. She was a farm girl that got her own cow from the field to milk it. She was a poet and a saxophone and ukulele player. She was a stalwart champion for the underdog, a heart too big, it seems. She played national rugby and no matter where she went on our farm, a gaggle of adoring, scrappy barn cats followed her like a cloud.
I am going to send you an email. I think I can only do that on your Dark Horse address. Please look for it. I would love to share that letter we gave to the truckers with you. In it is the words of our daughter directly.
We are heartbroken and we are desperate to have someone listen. We have written to our Prime Minister, our provincial Premier, Ministers of Health, Ministers of Education, and every news outlet we could. Nobody cares. Nobody wants to hear about it. Not a single person replied. Their "care and concern" for our children extends to a mask and a vaccine and nothing more.
We have followed the convoy, yesterday night right into Ottawa. It was joyful and heartbreaking and exhilarating. Mostly, it feels hopeful. Thank you for sharing this piece and please, if you might, look for the email I am sending. Our daughter's name was, and forever remains, Mila.
Thank you so much for writing about the Freedom Convoy!! I am a Canadian (and now also an American citizen) living in the Bay Area, which is a hot spot of never-ending covid panic and insanity. I am so damn proud of those truckers and every time I watch footage of the convoy and all of the peaceful, hopeful Canadians cheering them on along overpasses and roadways (in freezing weather), I start to tear up. Trudeau is nothing but a duplicitous Ken doll, I agree.