We live in an age of utter nuttery:
Journalist Róisín Michaux posted a picture, taken at the Free University of Brussels, of a sticker in a bathroom that reads “Real straight men fuck trans women.”
The maternity and neonatal health providers at a hospital group in England’s National Health Service have decided that “vaginal birth” offends birthing women who don’t think they’re women. So as not to offend the deluded, “frontal birth” is the term the providers at NHS are now using. To me, this invites the question of what other kinds of birth are available. Has anyone tried an ass birth?
At the shallow end of the pool, an actress who played Princess Diana in The Crown declared herself “non-binary” in 2021, and has now begun to show up places in her underwear (sort of—it doesn’t really look like underwear to me). Look at me! She is screaming to the world. Look at me! Oh, sorry: They is screaming to the world.
In pitch perfect response, onto the scene comes Stephanie Winn, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and host of the podcast “You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist.”