I am in Prague, about which there is much to say, but I do not have time to write much now. Bret and I are here for the publication of our book in Czech, which the remarkable Institut H21 has brought into the world. The baptism of the book, a Czech tradition, in which, yes, there will be a bottle of champagne opened in celebration, and then poured over one copy of the book, takes place in under two hours.
We have met some tremendous people here, and rekindled hope in the survival, even thriving, of the West, due to what we are seeing in and learning about the Czech Republic. And we have done several podcasts and interviews, the most recent one with Brain We Are.
During that podcast, Bret was talking about campfire, which of course is a theme of A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century. The following thing occurred to me as he spoke, on what I will call the fractal campfire.